Adding Social Value
A high percentage of our work is undertaken with public bodies and the implementation of the Public Service (Social Value) Act 2012 for us brought about the need to consider the collective benefit to a community of delivering a scheme. In alignment with our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, we no longer just consider the cost but also the social value of the projects we undertake.
By employing local labour and sub-contractors during the construction phase of a project we can make valuable social and economic contributions to our clients’ local areas whilst reducing carbon footprint.
As part of our commitment to encourage young people into construction and also to take an active interest in their communities, we also arrange to visit local schools and for pupils and staff to visit our construction sites. Engaging with the community in this way not only raises their awareness of the dangers of construction sites and associated activities such as deliveries of materials but also creates interest in future career paths.
On larger schemes we will also look to engage with the community through sponsorship or donations to events or facilities that will make a difference to the neighbourhood.
Making a positive contribution
We strongly believe in corporate citizenship and responsibility – truly sustainable businesses are always closely involved with their communities; from engaging with schools to encourage safety on and around construction sites, to providing apprenticeships and vital first career steps for school leavers, to supporting local charities and sporting excellence.